
ホーム > 報告書 > 平成22年度 海外実習:グアム・サイパン・テニアン

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2 実習先への配付資料

6.Student individual plans

Individual Plan for Island Health and Nursing Practicum

Chisato Shimoji

Expected contents of practicum
1. Guam
 1) University of Guam:
  (1) nursing education in UOG
  (2) continuing education in UOG and problems to be solved
  (3) relationship with other hospitals and clinics as one of the island nursing
    education facility
 2) Guam Central Public Health and Social Services/Guam Memorial Hospital
  (1) roles of hospital and nursing in island region
  (2) situations of patients from little islands and providing care by nurses

2. Saipan
 1) Commonwealth Health Center
  (1) visit nursing (HOT,Baipap,respirator)
  (2) nursing of terminal patient
  (3) information about patients’ age, diseases and health problems of them
  (4) observe nurses activities and learn the nurses roles.
  (5) traveling clinic

3. Tinian   
 Tinian Health Center
 (1) home visit by nurses(nursing of terminal stage patients)
 (2) working situations of medical doctors and nurses, especially on emergency,  
  relief when they are out of island, transition of patient, and prescription
 (3) how to see doctors of optometry, otorhinolaryngology and dentistry
 (4) DM patient education (MD, NP and nurse’s roles)
 (5) recruitment and education of medical staff, and problems should be solved


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【 お問い合せ 】
沖縄県立看護大学 大学院